RUSSIA STAATSDUMA OVER DAMAGE FROM MASSIVE THEFT OF NON-FERROUS METALS IN THE COUNTRY PROCURES MOSCOW, 7 March. / Pawel Schewzow, korrespondent of the RIA " Nowosti " /. the Staatsduma of the RF assigned the committee for energy industry to prepare feed and connecting nature information about the damage, which was caused to the data links and intelligence systems of the country by massive thefts by non-ferrous metals, and submit the delegates. As the RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent announces, the decision was made over it in the today's plenary session of the chamber. The initiative in addition seized Viktor Sorkalzew, speaker of the parliamentary group of the communists. The parliament delegates ask the committee in addition still, the outputs, which are necessary for the reconstruction of ensprechender objects and lines to calculate.