TOP REPRESENTATIVE OF THE KOSOVO ALBANIANS TO THE NEGOTIATIONS WITH THE SERBIAN AUTHORITIES BELGRADE, 7 March. (RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent Sergej Rjabikin). A top representative of the Kosovo Albanians explained that with the Serbian authorities negotiations are conceivable only " over the peaceful production of the independence of the Kosovos ". Hasim Thaqi, chairman of the democratic party of the Kosovos and former leader of the " Kosovo Befreiungsarmee ", said Politika " opposite the Yugoslav TV channel " that the Kosovo will be never more a constituent of Serbia and Yugoslavia. He expressed hope that an international conference will call up over the future status of the Kosovos, which can discuss " only the peaceful withdrawal of the Kosovos from Serbia ". Thaqi noted also that the release of all Kosovo Albanians, who in-sit today in Serbia is a precondition of the negotiations with the Belgrader organs. Altogether give it about 600 prisoners, who lose their punishments. Hasim Thaqi maintained that Belgrade suggested, the northern part of the city Kosovska Mitrovica (on the territory of the Kosovos; in this quarter the Serbs live) against Presevo in the south of Serbia (in Presevo practically 90 per cent is inhabitant Albanian) to exchange. To the security zone in the south of Serbia Hasim Thaqi said that " this region does not have future, if there Serbian police is stationed ". From its view it is necessary to take off from the lying close areas also units of the army of Yugoslavia. Thaqi is opinion that the region in the south of Serbia, in which the municipalities Presevo, Bujanovac and Medveda (with predominantly Albanian population) are, " the status of the autonomy " to be granted is, whereby this region may not be attached however at the Kosovo. The moderator of the program " Politika " noted finally the fact that Hasim Thaqi on the two beforehand placed questions - over the home coming of the Serbs, who were sold from the Kosovo, and over clarifying the fate in this region missed and kidnapped - a response did not give.