THE PARLIAMENT BOSSES OF YUGOSLAVIA AND BULGARIA THE SITUATION AT THE BOUNDARY BETWEEN MACEDONIA AND THE KOSOVO DISCUSSING SOFIA, 7 March. (RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent Juri Kowalenko). A main topic of the forthcoming meeting of the parliament bosses of Yugoslavia and Bulgaria is the situation at the boundary between Macedonia and the Yugoslav region Kosovo. The Yugoslav parliament boss Dragoljub Micunovic arrives on Wednesday to a two-day official attendance in Sofia. The parliament bosses want to discuss also various questions of the bilateral relations and problems of the European integration on the negotiations. Dragoljub Micunovic meets probably also with the Bulgarian president Petar Stojanow, Prime Minister Iwan Kostow and the Foreign Minister Nadeshda Michailowa. On Wednesday a session of the UN security council takes place as well known in New York, at which the situation on the Kosovo paragraph of the Yugoslav-Macedonian boundary is discussed. The UN security council will check measures, which are necessary, in order to prevent the penetration of the armed Albanian extremists from the Kosovo into the northern areas of Macedonia.