OSZE MISSION WITH OBSERVATION OF THE MACEDONIAN-CYugoslav BOUNDARY ASSIGNS MOSCOW, 7 March. / RIA "Nowosti" Korr. /. In connection with the taper of the situation in areas of Macedonia, which border on the Yugoslav region Kosovo, the mission of the organization for security and co-operation in Europe (OSZE) in Skopje had been assigned to observe and inform about the development of the situation in close cooperating with the authorities of Macedonia the Macedonian-Yugoslav boundary. As one indicated in the State Department of Russia, such a decision on the special meeting of the constant Organization for Security and Cooperation in Euro advice taken place the previous evening in Vienna had been made. The participating states explained their deep uneasiness in connection with the force escalation in the space of Kosovo. They condemned the actions of the armed groups of the Albanian extremists, who undermined the efforts around the solution of existing problems on political way. The Nichtergreifung of appropriate measures, means the participating states, increases the risk of the Entstabilisierung of the whole region. Russia condemned the actions of the extremists decided, require their immediate adjustment, the disarmament and the dissolution of the illegal armed formations, reminded one in the State Department. The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Euro mission and the peace forces must take all possible measures in fulfilment of the resolution of the UN security council No. 1244 for the prevention of the penetration of armed extremists and weapons from the Kosovo to Macedonia, mean one in Moscow.