FEED MINISTER OVER NECESSITY FOR THE CONVERSION OF RUSSIA INTO PROMINENT TRANSIT COUNTRY MOSCOW, 7 March. / RIA "Nowosti" correspondent Galina Filippowa /. Russia must become in the perspective one of the prominent transit states of the world. The avowed feed Minister of the RF Sergej franc in its speech at the plenary session of the Staatsduma (House of Commons of the parliament). The Minister informed the delegates about perfection of the feed network of Russia and about building of new feed passages. It indicated that after prognoses for the development of the infrastructure of the Russian transnational feed passages investments will be necessary at a value of 600 billion roubles. In the result of the implementation of the plans intended additional incomes can amount to by the transit development around the year 2010 8 to 9 billion dollar in the year, said franc. According to specification of the Minister the Trans-Siberian feed passage brings incomes up to 1 billion dollar in the year, and in the perspective they can constitute billion dollar up to 2,5 in the year. The north south feed passage brings incomes at a value of 1,5 to 2 to billion dollar.