WHICH WANTS TOP REPRESENTATIVES OF THE RUSSIAN COMMUNISTS WITH VLADIMIR PUTIN DISCUSSING MOSCOW, 7 March. / RIA "Nowosti" Korr. /. The top representative of the KPdRF and the parliamentary group of the communists in the Staatsduma of the RF Gennadi Sjuganow intends to give the president of Russia view of analytic materials over political and economic situation in Russia in the last years. That indicated Sjuganow themselves. In its speech on the press conference in the House of Commons of the parliament it affirmed that it is intended to meet today with Vladimir Putin. Sjuganow emphasized that documents, which it will submit to the head of state had been prepared by a group of KPdRF experts. It underlined that it will draw the attention of the president with the discussion to the necessity for the modification of the restaurant course, what the necessity for the separation of the Minister cabinet causes.