BURJATIEN AND MONGOLIA CREDIT ENORMOUS POTENTIAL FOR PARTNER RELATIONS ULAN BATOR, 7 March. / RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent Alexander Altman /. Burjatien and Mongolia have an enormous potential with the activation of the partner as well as the commercialeconomic relations. The avowed president the Burjatiens Leonid Potapow on the press conference after the results of its two-day attendance in Ulan Bator, the capital that Mongolia. After its words Burjatien and Mongolia connect not only the cultural and linguistic community, but also the traditional friendly relations existing for a long time, which creates good conditions for close cooperating in all areas of bilateral co-operation. In the course of the attendance Leonid Potapow met with the president of Mongolia Nazagin Bagabandi and the prime minister of the country Nambaryn Enhbajar. After the results of the attendance in the national palace Ulan Bators a log, which a broad spectrum co-operation contained, was signed and the program for commercialeconomic, scientific-technologic and cultural co-operation between that was assumed Mongolia and the Republic of Burjatien for the years 2001-2002. Also documents over co-operation in building industry and administrative technologies were signed. The president Burjatiens visited the Burjati commercial centre and took part in the ceremony of the initialization of the first russischsprachigen sender " pulse Mischeel " in that Mongolia. In the Chamber of Commerce and industrie Mongolian and burjatische businessmen treated the possibilities for the development of the trade relations and the establishment of joint venture, which enables it to achieve a new level of mutually favourable contacts.