PRESIDENT AND PRIME MINISTER RUSSLADNS DISCUSSED PRIORITY BILLS MOSCOW, 7 March. / RIA "Nowosti" Korr. /. In the Kremlin the meeting of president Vladimir Putin with the prime minister Mikhail Kassjanow took place. Like Alexej Gromow, press speaker of the head of state, indicated, during the meeting a list by priority bills one had discussed, which the government is intended into the Staatsduma for the check on the spring conference primarily to bring. Concern among them bills, those the prevention of the legalization of incomes, which are obtained on illegal way, the removal of administrative barriers (simplification of the procedure for the registration of enterprises), the taxation, the use of land and the bank activity. After words Gromows was underlined with the discussion of the general economic situation in the country that in February the taken measures had enabled it to modify the inflationist tendency to the reduction. The president had assigned the government to prepare by 1 June measures for the prevention of illegal migration to Russia indicated the press speaker of the head of state.