FURTHER COLLISIONS BETWEEN RUSSIAN ONES GRENZERN AND AFGHAN BORDER VIOLATORS DUSCHANBE, 7 March. / RIA "Nowosti" Korr. /. Since the beginning of the year it had given more than ten collisions between Russian Grenzern in Tadshikistan and armed violators of the tadshikisch Afghan state border. As the director/conductor of the pressedienstes indicated to the border's group of the Foederalen of border service of Russia in Tadshikistan Alexander Kondratjew, they had been fired at five times by Afghan territory. After words Kondratjews arrested and over 10 attempts prevented Russian border soldiers, who are deployed at the tadshikisch Afghan boundary, about 20 hurting the state border to penetrate from Afghanistan into the territory Tadshikistans. Over 225 kg heroin, more than 10 units contactor weapons, 4 reactive projectiles and 7 tank can shells were seized.