PREPARATION FOR RUSSIAN-CJapanese SUMMIT IN IRKUTSK GOES TO FAR ONE TOKYO, 7 March. / RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent Wjatscheslaw Bantin /. the offices with regard to foreign policy of Russia and Japan agreed to execute on 14 March in Moscow an additional round of consultations during the preparation on 25 March of the bilateral summit which is approaching in Irkutsk. How today Japanese mass media indicate, it concerns the achievement of the agreement regarding the agenda of the meeting of the prominent representatives of the two countries and contents of a common assertion, which they plan to assume. These questions had been treated during on 5 March the consultations on the level of the deputy ministers of foreign affairs of Russia and Japan, taken place in Tokyo. How the deputy director/conductor of the State Department indicated Alexander Losjukow of the RIA " Nowosti " after the consultations, on it questions had been discussed which can be begun to cut in the course of the summit. Among other things, in which context the Soviet-Japanese common declaration can be begun to cut from the year 1956 by the top representatives of the two countries, said it had been treated. According to specification of the Japanese press the pages could not agree evenly over this question in Tokyo and decided to execute a new consultation round in Moscow. In the common declaration Moscow had ready explained itself as character of the good will to transfer after the signing of the bilateral peace treaty Tokyo the islands Shikotan and Habomai - the smaller part of the Suedkurilen -. But later to sign in the same year 1956, Tokyo refused, the peace treaty on such conditions and the simultaneous transfer of all four islands of the Suedkurilen at Japan required. Today Tokyo means that the question is " closed " over the islands Shikotan and Habomai, because around their transfer it goes in the common declaration. Now one must speak other islands of the Suedkurilen - Kunashir and Iturup - at Japan about the transfer only the two. In Moscow one judges such Herangehen for illegitimate, because Tokyo did even without two islands. In Russia is one the view that today, 45 years must in detail treat the question about the acceptance of the common declaration by the pages, Moscow and Tokyo over it how this document under modern conditions is to be laid out.