EUROPEAN UNION FOOTSTEP FOR PRESERVATION OF THE RUSSIAN-CAmerican ABM CONTRACT WASHINGTON, 7 March. / RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent Arkadi Orlow /. the position of the European union and their guidance experienced no change. The EU still holds the Russian-American contract over anti-missile defense (ABM contract) for " strategic " document and means that " nothing him must threaten ". The avowed in Washington the Foreign Minister of Sweden Anna Lindh, representative of the country, which praesidiert in the EU. The Swedish Foreign Minister is to an attendance in the American capital and met with journalists the negotiations with the US Secretary of State Colin Powell right after. After words Lindhs had not raised it during the meeting with Powell the question, which is connected with statements of some mass media over alleged accommodation of tactical nuclear weapons with the Russian city Kaliningrad. Lindh indicated that she had already treated this question with the minister of foreign affairs of Russia Igor Iwanow, and said that she considers it necessary, " the problem of tactical core warheads further generally to treat ". Important is also, the question over tactical nuclear weapon " to future international negotiations and negotiations over the START-3-Vertrag to take up ", explained the Foreign Minister of Sweden and indicated that it has the intention of beginning to cut this problem during its forthcoming meeting with Igor Iwanow on Friday in Stockholm.