IN THE KOSOVO MORE THAN 100 ORTHODOXE CHURCHES WERE DAMAGED DESTROYED OR BELGRADE, 6 March. (RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent Sergej Rjabikin). The Albanian extremists tore off after the chute of the international peace forces (KFOR) in June 1999 and to today in the Kosovo more than 100 orthodoxe churches and monasteries or damaged, were reported opposite the RIA " Nowosti " from the Patriarchie of the Serbian ones orthodoxen church in Belgrade. It does not concern individual acts of terrorism, but around a regular destruction of the Serbian culture in the Yugoslav region, in which there were more than 1,400 orthodoxe churches and monasteries. The speaker of the Serbian ones orthodoxen church referred also to the facts that the peacemakers prevented still not once the destruction of the orthodoxen holy places or arrested authors. In the meantime requires the 1244. Resolution of the UN security council KFOR up to protect also the Sakralbauten. Patriarch of Serbia Pavle and Yugoslav president Vojislav Kostunica transmitted a writing at UNESCO director Koichiro Matsuura on 2 March, in which they request this organization to protect the Serbian orthodoxen holy places in the Kosovo. Belgrade is convinced that the function to protect and obtain the culture values in the Kosovo, only with international assistance to be solve can, particularly it itself not local articles, but around monuments concerns, which represent " a substantial part of the cultural heritage of Europe ".