STATE LAWYERS DISCUSSED PROBLEMS OF THE " MENTAL PROPERTY " MOSCOW, 6 March. (RIA "Nowosti" correspondent Olga Semjonowa). The three-day-long seminar about " protection of the intellectual property. Legislation and their application for the fight of the piratentums within the audiovisual area. European experience " for coworkers of the public prosecutor's office organs dealt with itself with the fight " of the intellectual piratentums ". This on Tuesday from the administration information and Public relation the chief public prosecutor's office of Russia which was reported. The seminar, in which deputy state lawyers of the subjects of the RF and examining magistrates took part, which deal with themselves with the crimes of this category, became by the chief public prosecutor's office of Russia in community with the international organization " TACIS program - intellectual property " (Paris) and the Russian Antipiratenorganisation (RAPO) executed. The interest of the international and Russian organizations for fight of the developments of criminal employers explains itself according to the representatives the chief public prosecutor's office by striving to protect the rights and legitimate interests of the citizens against criminal attacks on the mental property with the selling of the auto+visual products as well as by the intention of working against the negative influencing control of the " intellectual piratentums " on the economy of Russia. The shadow conversion of the false products amounts to approximately 80 to 85 per cent of the legitimate video market, while the illegal gains in more than 700 millions USD are expressed. The commercial losses of Russia amount to according to some specification in connection with the offences against copyright about 1 billion USD in the year.