NUCLEAR WASTE PRODUCTS TO RUSSIA MUST BY INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENTS AUSGESTALTET BROUGHT IN MOSCOW, 6 March. / Nikolai Wenediktow, korrespondent of the RIA " Nowosti " /. import, processing and temporary storage of nuclear waste products on the territory of Russia must be out-arranged by intergovernmental agreements, not however in the form of terminations between societies. This opinion expressed Pawel Sashinow, member of the Russian parliamentary committee for questions of security and defense, in an RIA "Nowosti" interview. It is the opinion that the presence of intergovernmental contracts Russia will enable to sometimes return at flow their validity period or higher force the nuclear waste products those countries from which it was received. The delegate explained in the connection with the fact that the Russian parliament discusses the package of the bills brought in by the government, which approve the import from nuclear waste products to Russia.