IN MOSCOW FRUEHJAHRSFESTIVAL " 1000 RUSSIAN CITIES " ONE EXECUTES MOSCOW, 6 March. / Jelisaweta Swiridowa, correspondent of the RIA " Nowosti " /. first Muscovites the Festival of " 1000 cities of Russia " began on 6 March in the Gostiny Dwor, in the city center of Moscow. It was organized by the not-commercial charitable fund " me iskusstwa " (" world of the art ") and runs under the auspice of the international charity movement of " world star - for children ". This movement supported already since many years talented children with limited health possibilities. For Tuesday one ballet evening under co-operation of the world-well-known Ballerina Nina Ananiaschwili is set. As was indicated in the organization committee, in the context of the Festivalveranstaltungen the appearances of the Grand lady of the world opera Monserrat Caballe will take place and other opera and ballet star of the world.