REPRESENTATIVES OF THE GUS COUNTRIES REQUIRED IMMEDIATE ONE TECHNICAL AID FOR TADSHIKISTAN MOSCOW, 6 March. (RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent). In Moscow on Tuesday rotation-moderately consultation of the user countries at the contract was held over collective security. In the contract 9 successor-public of the Soviet Union take part. The involved ones discussion themselves for the necessity to fulfill their resolution over the technical aid for Tadshikistan as fast as possible. They made this resolution beforehand. The representatives of these countries are the opinion that the peace and stability in the centralasiatic region by forces of the international terrorism are really threatened. The involved ones exchanged also opinions over the politico-military position in Afghanistan and their effect on stability in the region. They are the opinion that in the spring an activation of the international groups of terrorists in Afghanistan is to be expected.