PREPARATION FOR RUSSIAN-CGerman SUMMIT MOSCOW, 6 March. / /. the process of the preparation for the Russian-German summit, which for 9.-10 April in sank Petersburg is planned, the first deputy minister of foreign affairs of Russia Alexander Awdejew and the undersecretary of state of the federal State Department of Germany Guenter Pleuger had treated RIA "Nowosti" correspondent Kristina Rodriges. That one indicated on Tuesday in the section to information and press of the Russian office with regard to foreign policy. The pages exchanged opinions over current problems of cooperating between Russia and the European union and the relations with the NATO as well as questions of strategic stability, inclusive NMD problem. Also the situation in the Balkans and in the Near East was begun to cut. Awdejew and Pleuger discussed in detail practical questions of the bilateral relations. Striving was affirmed to look constructionally and together for solutions of individual existing problems. The consultations ran in the spirit of the sympathetic consideration and the partnership, concluded one in the State Department of the RF.