THE DAGESTANI TOP REPRESENTATIVE TRANSMITTED A YEARLY MESSAGE TO THE PARLIAMENT OF THE REPUBLIC MACHATSCHAKALA, 6 March. (RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent). Magomedali Magomedow, top representative Dagestans (partial republic of the RF in the north Caucasus) turned on Tuesday with the yearly message to the parliament of the republic. The dagestanische point conductor summarized the results of the passed yearly and stressed that the gross domestic product of the republic increased for the first time in the year 2000 in the reform time by 17 per cent. More than 40,000 unemployed persons besides were employed or into the public work with appropriate earnings/services included: That were altogether about 70 per cent of the applicants, who had announced themselves in the employment agency places. Altogether the number of unemployed in the republic sank by 10 per cent. " the energetic efforts of the president of the Russian federation within the area of the interior and foreign policy for strengthening the state, consolidation of the society and overcoming of the crisis find understanding and support with the majority of the citizens ", determined Magomedow.