PHYSICIANS DISCUSSING GUARANTEE OF THE MEDICAL STANDARDS WITH THE DESTRUCTION OF THE C-CWeapons MOSCOW, 6 March. (RIA "Nowosti" correspondent Galina Baryschnikowa). The Kollegium of the Ministry of Health discussed the measure plan at the serving seaweed for the guarantee of the medical medical standards with the destruction of the c-weapons. These work is executed in the context of the federation law " over the destruction of the c-weapons " and the president program " destruction of the c-Waffenbestaende in Russia ". Up to the year 2007 40,000 tons of poison materials in 7 arsenals in the area of six federation subjects and 24 c-Waffenproduktionsobjekte are to be destroyed. This avowed Vladimir Rewa, director/conductor of the Foederalverwaltung for medical-biological and extreme problems at the Ministry of Health. During the conversion of the program mentioned the Ministry of Health becomes on the health protection of the specialists, who are busy with the destruction of the c-Waffenproduktionsobjekte, and which population in the objectnear environment as well as on the formation of the medical personnel concentrate. The Ministry will exercise also national supervision over project engineering, the building and operation of the factories, which are created for the c-Waffenvernichtung, and which environmental protection control.