DECLARATION OVER FRIENDSHIP AND PARTNERSHIP OF RUSSIA AND NIGERIA IN MOSCOW SIGNS MOSCOW, 6 March. / RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent Oleg Ossipow /. on Tuesday in Moscow declaration over principles of the friendly relations and partnership, signatory by the presidents of Russia and Nigeria, is directed toward the development of commercialeconomic co-operation between the two countries. The document presupposes the creation of " necessary economic, financial and legal conditions for development and promotion of all forms of the trade, the investments and other economic activity, in particular in the oil and branch of natural gas, ". In the declaration it is underlined that " Russia and Nigeria confer to questions, which concern the problem of the foreign debts, and with the solution of this problem will co-ordinate their methodologies ". The presidents of the two countries also agreed, direct contacts between subjects of the entrepreneur activity, among them between small and middle class enterprises as well as banks and other credit organizations to manufacture. Additionally the pages will develop the " exchange of experiences and information about socialeconomic, financial questions and commerce as well as about the policy, which is pursued within these areas " in agreement with the declaration. Additionally the exchange of information and experiences is to be organized with the investigation, production and use of natural resources, under it mineral resources. A majority of the 10 pages strong declaration applies to international questions. As is referred in the document, bilateral cooperating between Russia and Nigeria can include the " development of practical co-operation for increase of the anti-crisis and peace potential of the UN and the regional international organizations ". In the declaration it is also underlined that the pages affirm " their loyalty for getting the global disarmament going and for strengthening the regimes of the nichtweiterverbreitung of massenvernichtungswaffen and the coordination of their actions in these areas first vines become ". Additionally, it is called a great importance in the document, attaches the pages of the conversion of the Initiativprogramms for strengthening strategic stability, which is stated in the assertion of the president of Russia from 13 November 2000. Russia and Nigeria will contribute also to the successful execution of an international conference in Moscow in the year 2001 to questions of the prevention of the militarization of space under the UNO patronage, for the 40. Anniversary of the first space flight of humans is fixed.