VICTIMVICTIM VICTIM IN MEKKA ABU DHABI, 6 March. (RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent Igor Kuznetsov). Sometimes the Consulate General of Russia in Judda (Saudi Arabia) no specification concerning is present whether there are citizens of Russia under on Monday the Pilgern died also. 35 persons in the crowding on the footbridge in the Mina valley were died as well known, which leads to the stone columns, which symbolize the Iblis (devil). Some Pilger died at asphyxiation, other one became from the heap of people zertreten, again different fell from the bridge. According to lieutenant general Saad are Abdallah aluminium-Tuwaijer, general manager of the civil defense service Saudi Arabia, the crowding by the fact one released that the Pilger, which threw rite-moderately the devil with stones against-pulled other Pilgern. It could not call the total number of the concerning and their nationality. Usama Shubukshi, Minister of the health service Saudi Arabia, indicated that starting from the at the beginning of the Hadschs 90 persons died. " for natural reasons " a man (92) and a Mrs. (82) died. After conception of the Muslims death is with the Hadsch benediction, since the souls of the deceased ascend immediately in the paradies. 1990 in the underpass in Mekka 1,416 persons, under it also citizens of the USSR, had died in the crowding. In April 1998 also a tragedy occurred on the footbridge, with which 118 Pilger had died and 180 was hurt.