FLOOD IN THE REGION KRASNOJARSK IS CONNECTED WITH LARGE DANGERS KRASNOJARSK, 6 March. (RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent Boris Iwanow). The flood in the region Krasnojarsk (east Siberia) will be more dangerous in this spring in the comparison to the reference time space of the previous year. This indicated to governor Alexander Lebed, which returned only now from the Rayonzentrum Bogutschany, whose bank section is inundated each year of the Angara. According to the governor the inundation zone can include more than 50 settlements in 14 Rayons. The situation according to the specialists not by the snow stocks in the forest, which exceed the characteristic values of the previous year doubly, but also by the fact is loaded that many small rivers through-froze due to 50 degrees cold weather in January up to the reason, whereby at the supplies of the Jenissejs of ice back-up will develop. Alexander Lebed stressed however optimistically that to the flood " everything is prepared ", and meant here explosive, technique and application personnel.