THE CLERGYMAN TALIBAN LEADER IS ON THE DESTRUCTION OF THE NICHTISLAMI MONUMENTS IN AFGHANISTAN " PRIDE " ISLAMABAD, 6 March. (RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent Vladimir Schreter). Mullah Mohammad Omar, religious leader of the movement Taliban, is " proudly on its decision ", on the territory of Afghanistan all not-Islamic historical monuments " destroys ", and wants to be projects up to the end to float. In its speech in Kandagar he explained that " all not-Islamic Abgoetter " is destroyed in the country. The buddhistischen fixed images, under it to two world-wide unique enormous plastics, which represent the Buddha in full size, in the province Bamian only 1 per cent of the historical Monumente in Afghanistan represent. " therefore it it is completely incomprehensible, why so much noise is struck over the destruction of these false Abgoetter ", quoted the official Kabuler Scharia broadcast the execution of Omar. In the meantime the Taliban soldiers continue to destroy the fixed images in the province Bamian against the protests of the world community. Meanwhile there is no exact specification concerning the damage, that the these, almost 2000. Years one caused to old Buddha plastics. The decree of the Mullahs Omar over the destruction of all Buddha plastics will be fulfilled already in this week, maintains the Taliban. Most moslemischen countries, among them Iran, Egypt and Pakistan gotten used to with the Taliban condemn the decision of the Mullahs Omar and explain that it contrary-runs the spirit of the Islamic religion, the tolerance and peace preaches.