MOSCOW CONDEMNS DECISION OF THE USA OVER SECURITY ZONE AROUND CUBA MOSCOW, 6 March. / RIA "Nowosti" Korr. /. The decision of the US administration to strengthen the security zone around Cuba contradicts the expressions of the American president George Bush over the intention of giving the " Relikte up of the cold war " finally. Therefore it goes in an assertion, which delivered the State Department of the RF on Tuesday. In the document it is emphasized that the decision of the USA reminds to extend the special traffic regime for American air and sea-going vessels in the proximity of the boundaries of Cuba still around one year of the times, since the prejudices rested on decisions with regard to foreign policy, which correspond to the national interests. In the Russian State Department one judges the American argumentation of this decision for unacceptable, which is to due to the necessity for the increase of the safety precautions in connection with allegedly continuing dangers by Havanna.