STATE OF EMERGENCY ON SACHALIN JUSHNO SACHALINSK, 6 March. (RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent Anatoli Iljuchow). The strong snowstorm over Sachalin and the Kurilen (Pacific) caused a Ausnahemzustand in some sections of this island region, was reported from the remoteeastern regional center of the disaster control Ministry. According to the weather forecast the amount of precipitation on the islands amounted to on Saturday, Sunday and Monday a double monthly standard. In some settlements the one-story houses up to the roof are snow-covered. The snowstorm afflicted hundreds of auto. There are also people victims, that were caused by undercooling or coal gas. The victim number was not determined exactly yet, since many auto is still complete under snow. Wet snow released numerous averages on the current and communication lines. In many settlements there is no current. Failed water pumping plants. The local boiler houses have practically no more coal. The snow paralyzed traffic on the island completely. For three days the airport Jushno Sachalinsk is closed. Traffic on the motorways is stopped. The ferry Wanino Cholmsk, which connects the mainland with the island, does not function any longer. The area administration and the regional staff of the disaster control Ministry take emergency measures, in order to protect the life supply of the cities and settlements to eliminate the averages and to vacate the main traffic distances of the snow.