A DELEGATION THE RUSSIAN ORTHODOXEN CHURCH TRAVELS AFTER THE KOSOVO MOSCOW, 6 March. (RIA "Nowosti" correspondent Jekaterina Antipowa). A delegation of the Russian Orthodoxen church travels on Tuesday after the Kosovo, in order to prepare a conference over the destruction of the churches and monasteries to Yugoslavia. According to bishop Sawwa the taken into account forum is to direct the attention of the world public on the destruction of the orthodoxen holy places in the Kosovo. According to the bishop today 97 churches and monasteries are, under it also old building systems from 13. or 14. Century destroyed. Those are the oldest churches on the territory of Yugoslavia, described it. All orthodoxen Christians react sorrowfully to the destruction of the churches. One must get the reason straight, for which these values are destroyed. This is made deliberate according to the bishop. The delegation will receive from the Serbian Patriarchen Pawle. Then the delegation members in the Kosovo meet with the Russian peacemakers. Also a discussion with the representatives of the international forces is executed in Yugoslavia, in which the Yugoslav president Vojislav Kostunica will take part.