FIRST INTERVIEW VLADIMIR PUT IN FOR INTERNET OUTPUTS MOSCOW, 6 March. / RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent Oleg Osipow /. on Tuesday will grant the president of Russia Vladimir Putin for the first time an interview for Internet outputs. As one indicated in the pressedienst of the head of state, the president of Russia in the course of one hour, of 18.00 o'clock, on questions of three Internet mass media will answer: the Russian " Gaseta.Ru " and " Strana Ru " and the British BBC on-line. Putin will answer to questions in a particularly created studio in the Kremlin. Before the president a monitor will be, at which asking users of the world computer network will appear. Vladimir Putin will select and her to answer will be able even a question, which pleased it. Together with the head of state in the studio three korrespondenten of the mentioned Internet outputs will be. The network outputs plan, the reader both the text version of the interview in the real time processing and its direct audio and - video transfer available to make. According to available specification with the Russian head of state against evening on 5 March over 12,000 questions over electronic post office were received. The character of the questions and the range of topics had not been determined in advance. The president will not be able to read all questions. The Kremlin did not acquire additional equipment for the holding of the conference of Internet. The residence of the Russian head of state is equipped with most modern technique. The president of Russia showed also in former times several times interest in problems of the world network and expressed themselves to this topic. The selection wahlstab Vladimir PUT in the opened during the presidency elections a Sondersite in the Internet. After the selection Vladimir PUT in to the head of state opened the pressedienst of the Kremlin for the first time the Web Site of the president in the Internet, at which responding and speeches Vladimir are contained PUT in, its work plan and messages of the pressedienstes. The Site visitors can dispatch their letter to the president of Russia.