CONFERENCE OF THE RUSSIAN-CPortuguese COMMISSION FOR ECONOMIC CO-OPERATION IN LISBON TAKEN PLACE LISBON, 6 March. / RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent Vitali Mirny /. with the signing of the final protocol ended in Lisbon the first conference of the Russian-Portuguese mixed commission for economical, industrielle and technical co-operation. The delegation of Russia led the Minister for state of emergency situations Sergej Schoigu, chairman of the Russian section of the commission. In the document the directions of the development of the commercialeconomic relations are in the fishery industry, which mining industry, which wood -, which determines furniture and the shoe industry. The Russian delegation submitted also a suggestion over preparation of the co-operation of Russian regions with Portugal. The Minister Schoigu expressed satisfaction over the results to the work de Kommission and underlined that the Russian page will create favorable conditions for the activity of Portuguese companies on the Russian market and for similar steps of Lisbon hopes.