REACTION OF THE PRESIDENT GEORGIENS ON TRAGIC INCIDENT AT THE GEORGIAN GEORGISCH-ASERBAIDSHANI BOUNDARY TBILISSI, 6 March. / RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent Dawid Imedaschwili /. the president Georgiens Eduard Shevardnadze expressed his uneasiness in connection with the incident at the Georgian aserbaidshanischen boundary on Monday in the space to the " red bridge ". In the result of a quarrel at the " red bridge " a coworker of the border section Georgiens had shot at a local inhabitant, who had crossed the boundary, and him had deadly hurt. Afterwards a group of Aserbaidshanern burned the bordering and customs agency on the Georgian page. In the message spread by the pressedienst of the president Georgiens it means that Eduard Shevardnadze expresses his condolence in connection with this incident of the family around the life of the coming. It lent also printout to hope the fact that the incident the general situation not to complicate and into the relations between the Grenzern and the local population will not bring the voltages. Additionally the president Georgiens asked the prosecutor general of the country to examine this incident with special attention.