BEING MISSING PAYMENTS OF CUSTOMERS ABILITY ENERGY CRISIS PROVOKING MOSCOW, 5 March (RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent). Being missing payments of customers do not let current companies with the suppliers of coal and fuel oil account for and know in time an energy crisis in the region Chabarowsk to provoke. That experienced RIA " Nowosti " on Monday at the Russian current company uniform energy system (EES). " in view of the bad payment discipline of the customers the corporation Chabarowskenergo will not succeed to normalize supplies of fuels in the March April of this yearly. Therefore current enterprises can not ensure the smooth supply in the ending winter ", it were said. The debts of the current collectors opposite the electricity companies amounted after the status from 11 February of this yearly to more than 4.725 billion rouble.