RUSSIA AND FINLAND PREPARING BILATERAL AGREEMENT OVER AVOIDANCE OF THE DOUBLE TAXATION FORWARDS MOSCOW, 5 March (RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent Alexander Iwaschtschenko). Representatives of the lines industrie and of the Chambers of Commerce of the Russian federation and Finland expressed themselves in a top plate session on Monday in Moscow for a fastest possible signing of an agreement over the avoidance of the double taxation. The users of the session are the opinion that the agreement becomes the development of the relations between the two countries in trade and economics further stimuli. Representatives of the lines of business of Russia and Finland brought also questions to the language, those the information security of the Business, which concern a cooperating in the area of the goods expert's assessment and with the protection of mental property. Besides the basic directions of co-operation were marked out for the time to 2010. The users of the session addition that turnover sales between the two countries is not satisfying for the moment. The foreign trade conversion between Russia and Finland constitutes to time only four per cent of the conversion of Finland. In this connection the Russian representatives expressed hope that Finnish businessmen will activate their co-operation with Russian partners. In this April takes place in St. Petersburg a common session of representatives industrie and of the Chambers of Commerce of Finland and the northwest region of Russia.