ABOUT 100,000 MRS. SERVING IN THE RUSSIAN ARMY MOSCOW, 5 March. (RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent Alexander Konowalow). In armed forces of Russia about 100,000 women serve, among them 3,500 officers and about 26,500 wo1s. In the north Caucasus more than 300 women carry their service out, primarily in the stock of the united group of troops. This avowed at the meeting with female military the colonel general Ilja Panin, boss of the head office personnel of the Ministry of Defense of Russia. A woman - Valentina Tereschkowa (the world first space aviator) - is a major general. 24 Mrs. have rank " Colonel " - 167 - " lieutenant colonel " and 542 - " major ". The female officers have usually university formation, whereby their average age exceeds insignificantly 32 years. The female officers usually are in the medical and financial service, which employs communication troops and in the translation service. Hundreds female of military were honoured with high honors.