IRAN PUTS SPECIAL ONE VALUE ON THE RUSSIA ATTENDANCE OF THE IRANIAN PRESIDENT TEHERAN, 5 March. (RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent Jewgeni Sainabitdinow). The Iranian State Department puts a special value on the official attendance of the Iranian president Mohammad Khatami in Russia, which takes place on 11 March. This avowed on Monday on a Briefing Hamid Reza Asefi, boss of the pressedienstes of the Iranian State Department. " we regard Russia as an important partner and good neighbours of Iran, with which one must develop all-round relations in the interest of the peoples of the two countries ", said Asefi. He said also that " Iran regards strengthening Russian-Iranian co-operation as a stabilizing factor of security and peace in a large world region ". " in the course of the attendance the presidents of Russia and Iran will negotiate about the prospects of the development of the bilateral relations, co-operation within the political, economic and cultural area and opinions over the problems of the Kaspi region, the gulf, regulation in Afghanistan and in the Middle East as well as over individual aspects of an international character exchange ". Besides the Iranian president will negotiate with other official ones as well as dignitaries of Russia. On the attendance program of Mohammad Khatami are also to journeys after the Iranian delegation sank Petersburg and Kazan'. The official Russia attendance of the Iranian president is the first measure of this type after 1979 in the relations between both countries.