TOP REPRESENTATIVE OF A PARLIAMENT PARLIAMENTARY GROUP FOR GOVERNMENT MOSCOW, 5 March. (RIA "Nowosti" correspondent Galina Filippowa). According to Gennadi Raikow, top representative of the Duma group of " people delegates " (Staatsduma is House of Commons of the Russian parliament) is " unrealistic " it that the government-faithful parliamentary group " unit " will refuse also confidence to the government. Raikow explained Nowosti " opposite the RIA " that the parliamentary group " unit " will actually refuse itself then " to confidence ". " the parliamentary group " unit " supported through the whole year globally the today's government, in the difference e.g. from our group, which did not support the present cabinet always, noted it. Gennadi Raikow evaluated the initiative of the communists to refuse confidence of the today's government as an attempt of the parliamentary group of the KPdRF, " the situation politically to blow up ": " it is very bad for it, if all well are. " " today a stabilization exists. For the communists that is bad ", added Raikow. It executed consultation with the delegates of its union. The consultation would have proven that the group of " people delegates " will not support " the initiative of the communists to refuse to the cabinet the confidence, since we do not see a reason this confidence vertrauensverweigerung to support ". Beforehand it was indicated that Franz Klinzewitsch, one explained the director/conductor of the Duma parliamentary group " unit ", in relation to the mass media that the parliamentary group will set " unit " confidence vertrauensverweigerung in relation to the government on the agenda. Klinzewitsch must have expressed however its personal opinion, was reported from the pressedienst of the parliamentary group.