THE RUSSIANS, IN CONNECTION WITH BEING LOCATED, SENDING YOUR CHILDREN INTO THE BRITISH SCHOOLS KRIMINALWELT LONDON, 5 March. (RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent). Parents of many Russian children, who learn in the British prestige schools, are directly in connection with the Kriminalwelt Russia, indicated on Monday the influential British newspaper " The Times ". Some schools refer to certain rivalry between the Russian pupils of " certain origin ", maintain the newspaper. The director of a school in east England had to contact the police, after he had experienced that two Russian pupils in this educational facility do not want at all to acquire themselves knowledge industriously, but " another activity " to actually operate, which can be connected " with the money laundering ", writes the newspaper. Very frequently well situierten Russian parents in names other Russian pupils, who learn in the school together with their children, are interested noted " The Times ". For the moment more than 1,000 Russian pupils learn in the British elite schools - so the newspaper -. The newspaper states the expression of a head master, according to whom there are talented pupils among the Russian children. It weights however at the same time also about the fact that the way of life of some pupils does not insert itself in the context of the pupil-usual behavior. In a school e.g. disciplinarily a Russian pupil was in accordance with-eat-regulated, who used 1,000 Pound of Sterling on weekend as " pocket money ". The head master had to warn the pupil that " it is not usual with us ".