FIRE FIGHT AT THE BOUNDARY OF MACEDONIA WITH KOSOVO BELGRADE, 5 March. / Sergej Rjabikin, korrespondent of the RIA " Nowosti " /. in the proximity of the locality Tanusevci at the boundary of Macedonia with the Yugoslav province Kosovo are delivered fire fights between Macedonian military members and Albanian separatists. The Ministry of Defense of Macedonia indicated in Skopje that Albanian militarized formations, which call themselves " the national release army " had fired at positions of the members of the Macedonian army. Albanian terrorists apply automatic weapons and garnet throwers with the bombardments. The army answers the fire, and, like eye-witnesses indicate, the intensity of the fire fights increases. Meanwhile no specification concerning victims is present. At present into the space of the collisions additional Macedonian army units are shifted, the police mobilize their reservists in different cities of the country. Electronic mass media of Macedonia maintain that also the defense Ministry initiated the mobilization. The previous evening Albanian terrorists three murdered Macedonian military member.