RUSSIA AND EU OF PROBLEMS OF THE TRADE DISCUSSING MOSCOW, 5 March. / Alexander Iwaschtschenko, korrespondent of the RIA " Nowosti " /. Russia and the European union will hold a session in turn of the sub-committee for trade and industry, to which in the context of the agreement over the partnership and Zusammenarbei between the RF and the EU functions on 6.-7 March in Moscow. That was indicated to the European commission in the agency in the RF. To the language questions will come, itself on the mutual goods introduction on the market, which removal of the limitations in the trade as well as the negotiation process refer over the entry of Russia to the world trade organization. Voraussischtlich will be also from the extension of the European union at expense of the countries of central and Eastern Europe in the context of the influence of this process on the trade between the EU and the area Kaliningrad / Russian Exklave in the Baltic / the speech.