VLADIMIR PUTIN EXPRESSED THE GUIDANCE OF PORTUGAL CONDOLENCE IN CONNECTION WITH TRAGEDY LISBON, 5 March. / Witali Mirny, korrespondent of the RIA " Nowosti " /. Sergej Schojgu, disaster control Minister of Russia, who is in Lisbon, stated Vladimir Putin and the government chairman Mikhail Kasjanow condolence to the guidance of Portugal in the name of the president in connection with the tragedy, which had taken place on Monday early in the north of the country and which cost 77 humans the life. The misfortune occurred in the north of Portugal, where one excursion ion double stick bus and two cars fell down with the bridge collapse from a height of 50 meters. Sergej Schojgu is in Lisbon in the context of the work of the mixed commission for economical, industrielle and technical co-operation of Russia and Portugal. He is a chairman of the Russian section of the commission.