MACEDONIA WANTS THE FORCE OF THE ALBANIAN TERRORISTS STOP AREAS VIENNA, 5 March. (RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent Borislaw Petschnikow). Macedonia wants to undertake internal messages in the next hours together with the international peace forces (KFOR) for the prevention of the use of force on the part of the Albanian extremists at the boundary of this country to the Yugoslav region Kosovo, is called it in the assertion of the Macedonian minister of foreign affairs Srdjan Kerim, which transmitted the Austrian office with regard to foreign policy. After the telephone call with the NATO guidance explained Kerim, which is in Skopje that the North Atlantic union approved of these internal messages. On the other hand the Macedonian external bureau chief stressed that one does not have to dramatisieren the situation: " Skopje is not yet at all in a state of war. " The guidance of Macedonia maintains sequentially contacts with NATO Secretary-General George Robertson, the co-ordinator of the questions of the foreign policy of the EU Javier Solana and UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan.