VLADIMIR PUTIN OVER SITUATION AT THE BOUNDARY BETWEEN MACEDONIA AND THE YUGOSLAV REGION KOSOVO WORRIES MOSCOW, 5 March. / RIA "Nowosti" Korr. /. Vladimir Putin is concerned about the situation at the boundary between Macedonia and the Yugoslav region Kosovo and calls the world community to take immediate measures so that the situation does not get out of control. As Putin on the consultation with members of the Russian government in the Kremlin explained, negative processes, that carry out themselves in Macedonia, of which we warned. Vladimir Putin described that after the deduction of the Yugoslav army a " force vacuum " had developed, which extremistic forces fill out. After words of the president of Russia it does not enable the status of the international peace forces (KFOR) to work against. Which had occurred with us in Chechnya after 1996, occurs in the Kosovo: Accumulation of the extremistic potential, which goes beyond the boundaries of the Kosovos, explained the president of Russia. Vladimir Putin also indicated that it had treated the situation in the Balkans the previous evening with the president of Macedonia Boris Trajkovski by telephone.