CONGRESS OF THE FOREIGN RUSSIANS BECOMES IN THE FIRST HALF-YEAR TAKING PLACE MOSCOW, 5 March. (RIA "Nowosti" correspondent Marija Posdnjakowa). The congress of the Russians living abroad was taken into account for the first half-year d.J.. This avowed Gennadi Selesnjow, chairman of the Staatsduma - House of Commons of the Russian parliament, on the 14. Session of the advice of the compatriots with the Staatsduma. The advice consists of the delegated ones of the Russian municipalities of the GUS states and the Baltic. Gennadi Selesnjow stressed that the protection of our compatriots requires abroad, " the efforts of all branches of power to concentrate ". It applies above all to create " a right base for the protection of the compatriots abroad ". The speaker is convinced that the government is to set more efficiently " the restaurant levers opposite the Baltenlaendern in course ", around " the cultural and national self-sufficiency of the russischsprachigen municipalities in these countries to receive ". " our national people set large hopes into the Russian guidance. They wait for moral, financial and political support ", said Selesnjow. He expressed himself conviction-strongly the fact that Russia absolutely " and the Baltenlaendern support the Russian centers in the GUS states financially and economically as well as must finance periodic outputs in Russian language ". " a particularly current problem of our compatriots abroad is today the discrimination of the Russian language ", said Selesnjow. In many community countries " the prestige of the Russian language and Russian culture sinks; fast the upper and universities are closed, in which one can receive the education in Russian language ". On the other hand give it in the post office-Soviet space also " positive examples of preservation to the Russian language ". It concerns white Russia, in which " 1.5 millions Russians do not fall under the definition of the Russian municipality, but adequate citizens of this country are ". In white Russia newspapers and magazines in Russian language appear according to Selesnjow. On television give it four russischsprachige programs.