VICE-PRESIDENT OF THE SOCIETY JAPAN RUSSIA WITH THE RUSSIAN MEDAL OF THE FRIENDSHIP EXCELLENTLY TOKYO, 5 March. / RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent Wjatscheslaw Bantin /. with the Russian medal of the friendship had been distinguished the well-known Japanese society politician and vice-president of the society Japan Russia Toshihara Okada. The staaatliche honor of the Russian federation was presented to Toshihara Skade by the Botschater Russia in Japan Alexander Panow. Such humans such as Toshihara are today particularly necessarily, since the Russian-Japanese relations achieves a qualigtaetiv new stage of their development, said the director/conductor of the Russian diplomatic mission with the presentation of the honor. For his part Okada underlined that strengthening and development of the Russian-Japanese relations corresponds to the interests of the two states and an important contribution is for strengthening stability and Prosperitaet in the region. The president of the RF Vladimir Putin signed previous yearly a decree in November over the honor Toshihara Okadas with the Russian medal of the friendship for large contribution for the development of the relations between Russia and Japan.