RUSSIA * TREASURY * EXTERNAL DEBTS * CONSULTATION Of RUSSIA TREASURY ACROSS the RESTRUCTURING OWING the ex USSR MOSCOW LEADS CONSULTATION, 5 March. (RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent). Of Russia Treasury Vorberatungen executes over the restructuring of the foreign debts of the ex USSR opposite that Paris creditor club. This avowed opposite the RIA " Nowosti " Sergej Kolotuchin, deputy Minister of Finance, who is responsible for the foreign debts. Kolotuchin called not the initial positions of the Russian page on these consultation and noted only that itself the Russian negotiators endeavor to reduce the debts and the operating costs. On the other hand he said the fact that " the demands of Russia inbezug on that Paris club and the payments 2002 - well admits 2003 the credit givers is ". Kolotuchin referred to the fact that first of all the program of the co-operation of Russia with the International Monetary Fund (IWF) was to be co-ordinated. After it the credit givers will only be able to formulate their Vorposition for the debt of the ex USSR. Next IWF mission, which will continue its work at this program, is to be expected in Moscow in April. The deputy Minister noted also that Russia makes payments at full extent after the Soviet debt to that Paris club. These payments are dependent on the budget receipts. " we pay, if we have cash ", described Kolotuchin, and determined that " it is difficult, these payments to carry out ".