PRIMORJE: ENERGETIKER COUNTING ON THE FURTHER RECESS OF THE ENERGY CRISIS WLADIWOSTOK, 5 March. (RIA "Nowosti" correspondent Larissa Beloiwan). The Russian society Dalenergo (this society is responsible for the power supply of the Russian remote east) warned that into the next Heizsaision a still worse energy crisis than in this year is to be expected. It warned officially that this crisis is inevitable, if the electricity rates are not increased according to the calculations of the society Dalenergo. The regional energy commission (REK) has to answer for the difficulties in the fuel and energy complex of the region according to the Energetikern. REK rejected as well known the demand of the Dalenergo to increase the electricity rates and decided to receive her at least by May d.J. on the same status. " REK ignores the objective costs of the Energetiker and guarantees thus new, possibly still worse energy crisis in the winter 2002 ", is called it in press release of the corporation Dalenergo. In this heating season in the region heavy power failures were determined as well known. Cities and settlements in Primorje were switched off for 12 to 14 hours daily by the current supply.