ELECTIONS INTO THE UNION PARLIAMENT OF RUSSIA AND WHITE RUSSIA ABILITY IN THIS YEAR TAKING PLACE MOSCOW, 5 March. / RIA "Nowosti" correspondent Maria Posdnjakowa /. the chairman of the Statsduma (House of Commons of the parliament of Russia) Gennadi Selesnjow did not exclude that the elections can already take place into the union parliament of Russia and white Russia up to the end of the current yearly. It placed such an assumption on the 14. Session of the advice of the compatriots with the Staatsduma on, to which Dlegierte of the Russian municipalities of the GUS states and the Baltic (Lettland, Litauen and Estland) belong. Gennadi Selesnjow reminded of the fact that the law over the elections is finally not yet approved of into the union parliament of the Staatsduma. It was checked provisionally only in first reading. As the Staatsdumavorsitzende means, one must together discuss the alterations at this law in second reading with the Byelorussian page, so that the laws are identical in the two states. In answer of the question the delegated ones of the advice after the perspectives of the union state Selesnjow underlined one that we will not absolutely form this idea to the failure to bring and the union state.