IN TOKYO CONSULTATIONS OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE STATE DEPARTMENTS OF RUSSIA AND JAPAN BEGAN TOKYO, 5 March. / today the consultations of deputy ministers of foreign affairs of Russia and Japan began RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent Wjatscheslaw Bantin /. in Tokyo in the context of the preparation on 25 March of the Russian-Japanese summit which is approaching in Irkutsk. On the negotiations the question will take the central workstation over contents of a common assertion, whose acceptance the president of Russia Vladimir Putin and the prime minister of Japan Yoshiro Mori plan according to the results of the Irkutsker of meeting. The Japanese page represents on the negotiations the deputy minister of foreign affairs of Japan Riodzo Kato. Its official contact is a deputy of the minister of foreign affairs of Russia Alexander Losjukow. According to specification of informed sources the main point of the program of the consultations is the question over the Herangehen to the Soviet-Japanese common declaration from the year 1956. In this document Moscow explained itself as character of the good will ready to transfer after the signing of the bilateral peace treaty the islands Shikotan and Habomai - the smaller part of the Suedkurilen - Tokyo their transfer Japan in all postwar years obtained. But later to sign in the same year 1956, Tokyo had refused, the peace treaty on such conditions and the simultaneous transfer of all four islands of the Suedkurilen at Japan had required. Today Tokyo means the fact that the question of the islands is " closed " Shikotan and Habomai, because around their transfer it goes in the common declaration, and today is to be spoken about the transfer only the two other islands of the Suedkurilen - Kunashir and Iturup - at Japan. In Moscow one judges such Herangehen for illegitimate, because Tokyo did even without two islands. In Russia is one the view that Moscow and Tokyo must treat today, 45 years in detail according to the acceptance of the common declaration by the pages, the question over it how this document under today's conditions is to be laid out.