GROUP " FOEDERALVERSAMMLUNG THE RF - PARLIAMENT MEETING OF NATO " BECOMES IN BRUSSELS TAKING PLACE MOSCOW, 5 March. / RIA "Nowosti" Korr. /. In Brussels NATO headquarters on 5.-6 March the session of the bilateral working group " Foederalversammlung of the Russian Foederaion Parlamentsversammlung of NATO " will take place. That is the first session of the working group after the cooling of the relations between Russia and the NATO, which were released by bombardments of Yugoslavia by the Nordataltikallianz. A delegation of delegates of the Staatsduma (House of Commons of the parliament of the RF) leads the first vice-chairman Ljubow Sliska. Before the Brussels journey the chief of the Staatsduma delegation explained the journalist that an important meeting is approaching, which is aimed at concrete results. Russian parliamentarians have the intention of developing above all the political component of the relations between Russia and NATO. The topic of the extension to the East of NATO is absolutely begun to cut, indicated Ljubow Sliska. We will bring the position in principle of Russia to the parliamentarians of the NATO Mitgliedlaender to this question to the knowledge, because the assertions of NATO Secretary-General George Robertson after the return from its recent Moscow trip over the readiness of Russia to make therein concessions seem to me too optimistically, underlined them. Ljubow Sliska also indicated that Russian parliamentarians will submit a set of suggestions, which are directed toward the development of co-operation between Russia and NATO during the meetings in NATO headquarters. Russia is ready to offer to NATO a not quite traditional co-operation stressed the chief of the Staatsduma delegation. Alexander Gurow, chairman of the Staatsduma committee for security, explained for his part that he has the intention of offering to the colleagues in NATO co-operation in the fight against the smuggling of arms and drug which come from central Asia to Europe after the " elbow " Afghanistan Caucasus Bosnia. In the case of strengthening the positions of the Islamic extremists in these regions the drug and weapon stream as well as the export of the terrorism to Europe will strengthen, stressed Alexander Gurow.