DELEGATION OF THE PARLIAMENT MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF EUROPE BECOMES KAZAKHSTAN ATTENDANCE PARIS, 5 March. / RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent Leonid Kokowitsch /. a delegation of the parliament meeting of the Council of Europe (PACE) will be from 5. to 7 March to a work attendance in Kazakhstan. This attendance will in the context of the preparation of an official report by the commission for political questions of the PACE regarding the request of the parliament of Kazakhstan to grant to the republic the status of an official observer in the PACE and the Council of Europe. The delegation will visit Alma Ata and Astana. Meetings and negotiations with the chairmen of the upper and of the House of Commons of the kasachischen parliament, with the minister of foreign affairs of the republic and top representatives of different political parties are planned. The request of Kazakhstan to grant to the republic the status of the official observer in the PACE and the Council of Europe had been brought by the kasachischen page of the guidance of the Council of Europe in January previous yearly in Strasbourg.