MINSKER OSZE GROUP PREPARES NEW SUGGESTIONS ON THE PEACEFUL SETTLEMENT OF THE KARABACH CRISIS BAKU, 2 March (RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent Gerai Dadaschew). The Minsker group of Organizations for Security and Cooperation in Euro for the settlement of the Karabach conflict submits new peace suggestions shortly. That indicated of Romania minister of foreign affairs Mircea Gioane on Friday with a meeting with representatives of oppositional parties of Azerbaijan in Baku. " these suggestions will glaringly differ from earlier ", insured the Romanian external bureau chief. The high guest expressed concern over " militant tendencies " in Azerbaijan and said that the international public does not support the military solution of the conflict. Gioane called the Aserbaidschaner to put patience to the day. The representatives of the opposition parties of the Caucasus republic called the eight-year old activity of the Minsker group of Organizations for Security and Cooperation in Euro " in an unfair way and without result ".