THE USA IN CO-OPERATION WITH KAZAKHSTAN INTERESTS ASTANA, 2 March (RIA "Nowosti" correspondent Rewmira Woschtschenko). USA president George W. Bush stated large interest in further co-operation with Kazakhstan with the explanation of kasachischer occurrences and with the transport of kasachischer sources of energy, among them over the route Baku Tiflis Ceyhan. About it the pressedienst of the kasachischen head of state informed on Friday. In a writing Kazakhstan president Nursultan Nasarbajew thanked Bush on for congratulations on the occasion of his selection to the USA president and emphasized that " our countries in their co-operation possibilities for the guarantee of peace, stability and prospering in central Asia could find. " the United States remain unbeirrter trailer of the independence, the sovereignty and the territorial integrity of Kazakhstan. " In writing it means furthermore the fact that the USA common activities with the prevention of the danger of the terrorism with which and with the prevention of the passing on of massenvernichtungswaffen in the region appreciates prevention of the drug trade. George W. Bush welcomed transformations, which carry out themselves in Kazakhstan, and called co-operation between the USA and Kazakhstan " promising and promisingly ".